Saturday, August 16, 2014

大学生特別割引キャンペーン実施中!!Special Offer for University Students


LEO Language Exchange Okinawaでは、 少ない予算と厳しいスケジュールの中で勉強をこなせることが学生にとっては非常に困難なことだとよく理解しております。そのため、沖縄国際大学、沖縄キリスト短期大学、沖縄大学、OIST、そして琉球大学の学生に、日本語・英語・フランス語クラスの学割レッスンを提供しております。割引だけではなく、学生の都合に合わせてレッスンの場所と時間を臨機応変に変更できるようにスケジュールを作らせていただきます。同級生と一緒にレッスンを受けると、更に安くなります!



Today our English instructor had the pleasure of sitting down with eight brilliant aspiring biologists at the University of the Ryukyus Agricultural School. It was inspiring to see how determined these students are to succeed in their chosen career path.

Here at LEO Language Exchange Okinawa, we understand how constraining university study can be on both a student's budget and schedule. Because of this, we are offering a special discount on Japanese, English, and French lessons for students of Okinawa International University, Okinawa Christian University, Okinawa University, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, and The University of the Ryukyus.

On top of this student discount, we are willing to meet you any place that is convenient for you and at anytime that your schedule permits. Bring your classmates to join in on our group lessons plan for additional discounts.

We are willing to spend the extra time developing a curriculum specific to your field of study in order to guarantee your success among your peers.

Take the time to contact us today to discuss your future foreign language acquisition.

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