Tuesday, August 26, 2014

国際的なホームパーティー / Uniting the International Community

LEO Language Exchange Okinawaのコポス・ダヴィッドとタッカー・デビッドは先日沖縄の医師の国際的なホームパーティーに誘われました。この医師の先生はもちろんLEOでフランス語を習っています!

LEO Language Exchange Okinawa founders David Caupos and David Tucker were recently invited to an international party at the private residence of a local doctor who is of course a French student at LEO!


We met with entrepreneurs, business owners, and doctors from around the world including Japan, Ukraine, France, Uganda, Kenya, and America.  

The superb cuisine was a combination of traditional dishes from Japan, France, Belgium, and America. 


Many individuals displayed their skills on the traditional Okinawan musical instrument, the sanshin, including our French and Japanese instructor, David Caupos.


Our English instructor, David Tucker, engaged in a long conversation with many guests that covered topics including Okinawa, traditional vs. nontraditional teaching methods, our goals for our company, and the journeys that had brought the party guests together. 


We listened to an array of musical instruments including the sanshin, flute, saxophone, and piano.
Our gracious hosts even delighted the audience with an enchanting flute melody. 


The night was a complete success not only for LEO Language Exchange Okinawa, but also for international relations in the Okinawa community and the betterment of all patrons involved in the bash.

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