Monday, June 29, 2015

琉美インターナショナルビューティカレッジ / Ryubi International Beauty College

LEO Language Exchange Okinawaが、琉美インターナショナルビューティーカレッジで教え始めて二年目を迎えます!昨年に引き続き沖縄写真デザイン科、加えて今年からは、様々な専門的なシーンで使われる英語をエステ整体セラピスト科、美容本科、美容別科でも教え始める事になりました。


LEO Language Exchange Okinawa is now celebrating its 2nd year at Ryubi International Beauty College! In addition to the Okinawa Photo Design Course that we began teaching last year, we are also teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to students in the Esthetician and Beautician courses. The students in all three courses will take their midterm exams next week and are excited to see a written account of their progress over the semester.

We are also quite pleased with the direction that our relationship with the school staff and president, Mr. Yoshiaki Goya, has taken in the last year. We have formed both personal and professional ties that will continue to prosper in the coming years.

呉屋 良昭

From left to right:
David Tucker
Yoshiaki Goya
David Caupos


The students in the Esthetician Course at Ryubi diligently study for their midterm exam.

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