Monday, June 29, 2015

琉美インターナショナルビューティカレッジ / Ryubi International Beauty College

LEO Language Exchange Okinawaが、琉美インターナショナルビューティーカレッジで教え始めて二年目を迎えます!昨年に引き続き沖縄写真デザイン科、加えて今年からは、様々な専門的なシーンで使われる英語をエステ整体セラピスト科、美容本科、美容別科でも教え始める事になりました。


LEO Language Exchange Okinawa is now celebrating its 2nd year at Ryubi International Beauty College! In addition to the Okinawa Photo Design Course that we began teaching last year, we are also teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to students in the Esthetician and Beautician courses. The students in all three courses will take their midterm exams next week and are excited to see a written account of their progress over the semester.

We are also quite pleased with the direction that our relationship with the school staff and president, Mr. Yoshiaki Goya, has taken in the last year. We have formed both personal and professional ties that will continue to prosper in the coming years.

呉屋 良昭

From left to right:
David Tucker
Yoshiaki Goya
David Caupos


The students in the Esthetician Course at Ryubi diligently study for their midterm exam.

LEOがフランスのスポーツ番組から依頼を受けました!・LEO helped in a French documentary!

去年の10月にフランスのCanal+テレビ局によって放送された「Supersonic」というスポーツドキュメンタリーはLEO Language Exchange Okinawaがコーディネート、通訳、翻訳、字幕製作、出場する日本人のインタビューまで対応しました。



LEO Language Exchange Okinawa was pleased to take part in a French documentary that was broadcasted on October last year on the famous TV channel Canal Plus.
LEO was a coordinator for the shooting in Japan, and a translator for all the protagonists appearing in the show. We also made the French subtitles and conducted the Japanese people interviews.
The documentary’s title is Supersonic. However it will not be shown in Japan, one can watch it on Canal Plus website by accessing the following page.

The documentary is about François Pervis, Track Cycling 4 times World Champion and holder of two world records. We followed him for a week in Japan after he was invited by the Japan Keirin Association to take part in a 3 days race at the Keirin Velodrome in Kokura, Fukuoka Prefecture. We also visited with François the Keirin School in Izunokuni, in the prefecture of Shizuoka.
The documentary shows different aspects of the Cycling world of Japan, and the interactions between François and the Japanese racers, the difference of cultures are interesting to watch.
We hope you will enjoy it.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

シネマ組踊の第2作品の英語字幕作成 by LEO・Making Our Way into the Movie Industry





よりたくさんの人々がこの作品を楽しめるようにJTB沖縄とLEO Language Exchange Okinawaは英訳し、英語字幕を作成して参りました。


JTB Okinawa recently produced the latest "Cinema Kumi-odori" movie that is going to be shown at the Urasoe Tedako Hall in February.

Kumi-odori is an Okinawan traditional stage performance that combines dance, song, and music. It can be compared to Japanese Kabuki, which is a combination of musical and opera.

Kumi-odori was created by Chokun Tamagusuku nearly 300 years ago in the Ryukyu Kindgom Era, and it was used to entertain guests of the court.

This new movie is an adaptation of "Shusin Kaneire," a play also written by Chokun Tamagusuku and shown for the first time in 1719.

It's a very interesting play full of humor.

Trying to target a larger audience, JTB Okinawa and LEO Language Exchange Okinawa have been working together to translate the movie to English and create English subtitles that will be added for the viewing in February.

Here's a trailer of the movie. We hope you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

県内の企業を国際化へ・Globalizing Local Businesses 

宜野湾市の大山にあるOLSO鍼灸整骨院は去年から外国人の患者さんが増えるそうです。スタッフ全員、英会話力がゼロに等しいということで、私達、LEO Language Exchange Okinawaに対応するように依頼を受けました。

LEO Language Exchange Okinawaは様々なサービスを提供しています。

Due to an increase in foreign patients over the last year, the president of OLSO Clinic in Oyama, Ginowan City has asked LEO Language Exchange Okinawa for professional services.
LEO Language Exchange Okinawa is now working with the clinic in a variety of ways from medical document translation to interpretation for patients.
OLSO Clinic offers many services including acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, and electrical therapy for patients who have been in an accident, suffer from bodily injury, or just desire weight loss.
For more information about OLSO and the services that they provide, please visit their facebook page here:

LEO Language Exchange Okinawa is very happy to continue to cooperate with OLSO throughout this new year.
We are willing to work with companies in Okinawa who want to increase their foreign clientele or desire a new target market and audience.

Check out our blog and facebook page for more information about the many services that we offer or feel free to contact us directly by email at